Calculating Your P.O.
First, contact us, or visit a club meeting, to make sure we have space open in the club. If we do not, we will add you to the waiting list and advise you when there is an opening.
If you are joining mid-semester, we will calculate a prorated figure.
We take members on a first-paid basis. If you wish to secure ongoing membership through summer break, you (not your charter school) will have the option to pay a $25 per-child fee while we await your fall semester P.O. Without this fee, your club may fill up with new members. You may transfer to an open club and be wait-listed for your club of choice.
Charter Schools Tuition:
Speakers League/Junior Speakers League Semester Tuition
$250 per semester/can be prorated
Class meets twice per month; each meeting is 1.5 hours. 9 meetings per semester.
First semester - September to Mid-January (P.O. due by 9/1). Second semester - Mid-January thru May (P.O. due by 1/16).
Summer Space Reservation Fee for Charters
$25 (direct pay)
Guarantee your spot in the fall by paying this reservation fee. Membership is first-paid, first-served. If unpaid, and class is full at the time P.O. is received, student will be wait-listed. Charter funds may not be used for this optional fee.
Next Steps...
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